Our Alliance of people and organizations has observed public officials and Silicon Valley tech companies operating criminal enterprises.

We thus campaigned for the creation of Congressional investigations, FBI special task forces, GAO investigation reports, Inspector General investigations, The appointment of a Special Counsel, the creation of the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION BUREAU OF COMPETITION TECH TASK FORCE, European Union investigations under M. Vestager, INTERPOL reports, Grand Jury hearings and other ongoing counter-measures.

Silicon Valley bought K Street and U.S. Senators, gave them more Dark Money than history has ever seen and then had giant tech-law firms bribe, hit-job and blockade any attempts to solve the problem. The K-Street Lobbyists, the technology law firms and the Palo Alto Sand Hill Road venture capitalists should be shut-down and indicted.



"... since the 1970's, FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has been a U.S. Patent Office awarded Silicon Valley inventor of seminal first-ever inventions, now in use by billions of people globally, and a program director of national projects. FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has been awarded federal commendations, state and federal innovation grants, government R&D contracts, White House commendations by The Vice President, Mayoral proclamations, industry innovation awards, issued patents, and recognition in thousands of news articles and news broadcasts. FBI/GAO Witness-A365 is affiliated with no political party.

Silicon Valley is run by a group of men known as "The PayPal Mafia" AKA "The Silicon Valley Mafia". They are a group of wealthy ivy league frat boys who have been charged with numerous rapes, sextortions, tax fraud, political bribery, college admissions bribery, sex trafficking, and stock market manipulation by various federal agencies and ex-employees. This group came to see FBI/GAO Witness-A365 multiple times and sought to examine FBI/GAO Witness-A365's technology under the guise of pretending to "want to invest in FBI/GAO Witness-A365". They, instead, copied his patented technologies and later formed duplicate companies to those of FBI/GAO Witness-A365.

They have, as of today, made over $100 Billion+ (Per SEC filings), from technologies the U.S. Patent office says that FBI/GAO Witness-A365 first invented and deployed. Each time FBI/GAO Witness-A365 tries to sue them for his intellectual property rights and owed licensing fees, they spend ten times more and hire ten times more lawyers and stall his cases out. They hire attack bloggers to attack FBI/GAO Witness-A365, on social media, to try to character assassinate his brand. It costs over $3 Million+ to sue each one of the "Paypal Mafia" members and their companies (Google, Facebook, Tesla, etc).

FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has billions of dollars in proven damages but has yet to be allowed to get into a court-room in an actual unbiased jury trial. The Palo Alto Cartel will do anything to keep him out of a jury room because they will lose, dramatically, in an equally-resourced jury hearing. They got over 400 of their members hired by the White House (As revealed in the INTERCEPT articles about Google and The White House) and they have the lobby-clout to control parts of the U.S. Government for corrupt purposes.

Most high tech law firms have been told by the Cartel that they will be "black-listed" just like the Paypal Mafia was caught doing in the "AngelGate Scandal" and the "Silicon Valley No-Poaching Class Action Lawsuit"; (both of which can be easily researched online) if any tech law firm's take FBI/GAO Witness-A365's cases. These cases, along with the recent Stanford University Admissions Bribery Scandals and the Panama Papers, Stratfor Leaks, Wiki-leaks and Swiss Leaks prove the depths of criminality that these people are willing to engage in.

From 2006, forward the "PayPal Mafia" Cartel spent more money than any group had ever spent in history to hire most of the lobbyists in politics and to pay bribes to hundreds of elected officials and agency staff in order to get things their way in public policy decisions and to seek to monopolize the digital communications world. They seek to control all alternative energy and digital media programs. The PayPal Mafia bribes U.S. Senators, Agency Heads and Congress using these methods which include: 1.) Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC, 2.) Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging including shadow-banning, de-boosting, DNS re-routing, directed search suggestion, subliminal messaging bias, and hundreds of other psychological manipulation tricks; the value of which is never reported to the FEC but proven by invoices and bank payments between Google and Gawker, Gizmodo, DNC, Fusion GPS, Black Cube, etc., 3.) Free rent for public officials, 4.) The providing of prostitutes and rent boys, 5.) Cars, 6.) Dinners, 7.) Party Financing, 8.) Sports Event Tickets, 9.) Campaign Services "Donations", 10.) Secret PAC Financing, 11.) Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes, Themselves, 12.) "Consulting" contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs, 13.) Overpriced "Speaking engagements" which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors, 14.) Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff), 15.) Real Estate, 16.) The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related laundering accounts, 17.) The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts, 18.) Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by corporations, 19.) Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials and to block victims from getting to court; and other bribes...

The FBI, The SEC, The OSC, The GAO, The FEC and all other agencies are fully aware of this, yet they have no management will to make the arrests of the "famous" people involved. FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has never cooperated with bribes and corruption and the PayPal Mafia hates him because: 1.) he is the original inventor some of their core technologies, 2.) A anti-corruption entity,  3. A federal witness against the PayPal Mafia.

At one point FBI/GAO Witness-A365 won a Congressional commendation and a federal grant, in the Iraq War Bill, ordering the U.S. Department of Energy to hire FBI/GAO Witness-A365 and his team to build America's alternative energy "back-up plan". FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has been working with U.S. Energy programs since 2000. The "PayPal Mafia" believes that it controls U.S. domestic alternative energy industries and that FBI/GAO Witness-A365 was an "outsider" non-Frat boy who dared to operate on their turf.

In a later stage of the Energy Department project, The federal government asked FBI/GAO Witness-A365 to invest with them in building a car factory. In the course of that effort, FBI/GAO Witness-A365 and his Team witnessed a crime being committed by Energy Department officials and reported that fact to a U.S. Senate Committee and the U.S. Attorney General. FBI/GAO Witness-A365 spent his life savings at government request and years of his life only to later find that he, and his team had been defrauded and that money's that his project had been had secretly been promised to PayPal Mafia members including Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt and Reid Hoffman.

Members of Congress encouraged FBI/GAO Witness-A365, and his team, to sue the Government under a novel new kind of litigation process. FBI/GAO Witness-A365 agreed to do so. These actions resulted in the termination of very famous public officials and their crony criminal embezzlement scams and almost resulted in the President being forced to leave office, mid-term, based on revelations of a massive crony kick-back scheme which began to be exposed after the FBI raid of Solyndra. The director of the FBI was fired for assisting in cover-ups related to this matter. (FYI: "Paranoia" is defined as "unfounded fears of harm". "Caution" is defined as "security measures based on previous threats and attacks")

FBI/GAO Witness-A365 was exposed to severe cellular-level toxic poisoning via: micro-particulated nano-powdered radioactive tritium batteries, cesium, uranium, plutonium, transuranic waste, beta-voltaic batteries, high frequency-high voltage EMF, heavy metal, solvent and lead compounds in government energy and weapons labs exposures from decades of work with U.S. Department of Energy programs and projects as contractor/partner/Congressional awardee. The affliction is blood poisoning at a cellular level. In reprisal for reporting the crimes, FBI/GAO Witness-A365 has been subjected to benefits blockades, hacking, internet server re-direction, web search shadow-banning, blacklisting and other retribution/vendetta actions by public officials.

This natural-born American domestic group of engineers was attacked with a $30 million dollar+ retribution/political reprisal program contracted by White House political operatives, and their appointees, who were also the business competitors of the engineers. The attackers hired Fusion GPS-type character assassination smear campaigns (operated by their cronies at Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik and Facebook), NVCA black-listing, Solyndra-laundering, stone-walling, Lois Lerner-class agency manipulation and search engine rigging. In-Q-Tel turns out to be the only federally financed "charity" whose staff are also employed by each of the suspects in this case and who financed the suspects in this case. It was revealed that White House executives ordered government agencies to harm members of the public and to reprisal with-hold public resources from the public. This was a violation of tort, RICO and anti-trust laws.

The victims, including FBI/GAO Witness-A365, fought back using 100% legal methods, including many of those methods that were used to attack the FBI/GAO Witness-A365s/victims (If they are not illegal for the attackers to use, then they must not be illegal for the victims to use to seek justice)

With an idea suggested to the victims by the members of Congress the victims, essentially; helped the United States government sue itself! With encouragement from Congress, the FBI/GAO Witness-A365's undertook a multi-million dollar, decade-long, epic series of anti-corruption lawsuits, financed by public-interest law-firms.

First, with a unique new kind of pioneering federal lawsuit, victims established — FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LEGAL HISTORY — that political cronyism is a valid basis for a claim of arbitrary-and-capricious agency action under the Administrative Procedure Act. See: Federal Case One, (D.D.C. 2015). The victims created new federal law around this.

Second, they prevailed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on their appeal of the district court’s ruling that an agency may escape judicial review of its action by requesting a voluntary remand but refusing to reconsider its initial denial of an application. See: Case Federal Two, (D.C. Cir. 2017). The Washington DC Circuit agreed with the victims that an agency may only seek a remand if it promises to reconsider its initial decision. It is because of that victory that the government, under court order is now re-doing the victims applications and GAO, FBI, IG's and Congressional oversight offices are watching to assure effective ethics and transparency.

Third, these cases placed, on permanent public record, one of the most detailed documentation sets, ever assembled, about how modern political "Dark Money" conduits operate. The legal team hired ex-FBI, CIA and SEC experts to track down covert bank accounts, revolving door bribes, insider stock trades and other payola between the victim's competitors and public officials. This documentation now prevents the use of those kinds of criminal efforts, in the future, by exposing their tactics to the public.

Fourth, the victim's team engaged in the interdiction and termination of corrupt agency executives, contractors and their financiers. This included some of the most well-known names in Washington, DC, at the time. Many of them were, and are still being, investigated and surveilled by the FBI, GAO, SEC and Congress. In the course of this case, victims campaigned for the new law called THE AMERICAN JOBS ACT which created the first SEC approval of legal "Crowd-Funding", which allowed start-ups to get funding without going through the Palo Alto "Vulture Capitalists".

Fifth, and most important, the effort put every corrupt political scheme on notice that they WILL be found out and interdicted! The bottom line?

The victims group WON on every single aspect of their public-interest litigation goals EXCEPT they STILL have yet to be recompensed for their damages!


This is about a group of U.S. Senators, Silicon Valley Oligarchs, Crooked Law Firms and Lobbyists who commit crimes in order to manipulate over a trillion State and federal tax dollars into their, and their friends pockets. They use media monopoly tricks to try to shut out any other viewpoints. They push issues that they believe will get more tax money allocated to "issue solutions" that they, and their friends, happen to already own the business monopolies for. They are felons yet they control some of the offices of the agencies who are supposed to arrest them. Silicon Valley bought K Street lobby firms and U.S. Senators, gave them more Dark Money than history has ever seen and then had giant tech-law firms bribe, hit-job and blockade any attempts to arrest them.

You can verify the facts yourself in the federal court records of this, and related cases, and in the hundreds of thousands of confirmed evidence documents at these links:
















Multiple CBS News 60 Minutes episodes




































Search any terms that you are unfamiliar with on any non-Google search engines. Copies of this report, and the associated evidence documents, have been provided to every known law enforcement and regulatory agency."


The folders above are a small percentage of the available evidence.

These files are updated hourly by the public, whistle-blowers, journalists and forensic investigators. A 2TB+ set of data DVD copies is available by mail or on torrents.

There are no "conspiracy theories" here. These are all hard forensic facts that will stand-up in any court!

We are working with Congress, the FBI, The GAO and others regarding the fact that White House staff ordered federal agencies, and state agencies financed by federal funds; to stone-wall, delay, manipulate, defer, obfuscate and reprisal-negate applications and funding requests as political retribution.

They did this to anybody who they thought might expose the White House use of agencies as "slush-funds" and "Dark Money" campaign finance laundering conduits. They were afraid that exposure of these schemes would cause the President of the United States to be forced to resign in the middle of his term!

To search in one of the above folders, click on the folder to open it and then simply scroll down, or use the "Find" or "Find On This Page" function of your browser to search by terms, or by word. Every browser has a "Find" feature that is usually a magnifying glass icon.

These folders provide evidence, signed by thousands of reporters and investigators, that the suspects are: A.) Based around Silicon Valley and Washington DC; B.) Operating as a RICO-violating cartel; C.) Deeply sociopath and sexually disturbed; D.) Money laundering via large law firms and investment banks; E.) Using Google, Reddit, Facebook, etc. as mass political behavior-manipulation programs; F.) Paying for and operating character assassination programs against those who defy them; G.) Using "green energy" as one of their facades to steer tax dollars to the companies that they, and their friends, already own and work for; H.) Willing to resort to the most extreme things to protect their scheme; I). Living in an ideological "echo-chamber" in their tech bubbles; J.) Empowered entirely by the public's lack of willingness to boycott them and demand their arrests.

A vast number of individuals and companies, who are willing to testify about these crimes have never been allowed into a Congressional hearing, court-room, FBI 302 interview, etc., because crooked Senators are terrified of the confirming testimony they can all provide.

NOTICE REGARDING INTERNET SEARCH MANIPULATION: - We placed autonomous monitoring applications on a vast number of co-location servers, shared hosting ISPs, stand-alone servers and sites around the world over ten years ago and monitored: 1.) Google search results compared to other search engines, 2.) Google DNS and spoofing activities, 3.) Google results on 100 key search terms including search terms of assets, candidates and business associates connected to Google, 4.) Where Google sends data from users clicking on Google supplied links, 5.) Where fabricated mole data that was injected as user data ultimately ended up later, and other metrics. The results prove that Google abuses the market, the public, politics and human rights. ELON MUSK BOYFRIENDS: LARRY PAGE, ERIC SCHMIDT, JARED COHEN AND SERGY BRIN AT GOOGLE AND MARK ZUCKERBERG AT FACEBOOK ORDER THEIR COMPANY STAFF TO HIDE, DOWN-RANK, HOLE-PUNCH THE NET, SHADOW-BAN, STOCK MARKET VALUATION MANIPULATE AND EXCLUDE THIS WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET. WE TRACK EVERY TECHNICAL TRICK THEY USE AND REPORT IT TO CONGRESS AND ANTI-TRUST AGENCIES. THE MORE THEY DO IT, THE MORE THEY CREATE EVIDENCE THAT WILL PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS!

The Google empire controls most of the media on Earth, via many front corporations, and indoctrinates everyone in it's organization using 'cult' methodologies. Google owner's believe in "our-ideology-at-any-cost" and "the-ends-justify-the-means" scenarios. What could possibly go wrong?

NOTICE: Regarding The CleanTech Crash: Every single Dept of Energy executive, and related Senator, owns stock market assets in Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, Ener1, etc. so they blockaded and sabotaged every applicant who competed with their holdings in a RICO-violating, felony organized crime, using taxpayer funds.

If you are reading this, please demand a public Congressional Special Counsel investigation!

Many of those character assassinated, sabotaged, black-listed, poisoned and shadow-banned are still waiting for justice!

WHO IS THE SILICON VALLEY MAFIA?: The Silicon Valley Mafia is The Sandhill Road Venture Capital frat boy company bosses in Palo Alto, their National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) partners and the tech companies (Google, Tesla, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.) they control. They are sometimes referred to as The Deep State. They have purchased California, New York and Washington, DC politicians (mostly Senators) who they also control.

They hire rogue ex-intelligence agents to operate attacks via Fusion GPS, The Gawker/Gizmodo/Jalopnik/Univision Hatchet-Job Fake Tabloid Facade (ie: Obama had White House staff: Robert Gibbs and John Podesta hire them, in association with Obama financier Elon Musk, to attack XP Vehicles, Bright Automotive and ZAP Vehicles as retribution in violation of anti-trust laws), Black Cube, ShareBlue, New America, In-Q-Tel, Podesta Group, Media Matters, etc. . They spend over $30M on each massive media attack program against competitors, reporters and outsiders.

They collude on black-lists, valuation controls, election manipulation, search engine rigging, domestic spying for political manipulation, stock rigging, insider trading, executive prostitute clubs, trophy wife assignments, the bribery of politicians and worse. They are felons who pay politicians to halt investigations and interdiction efforts. They are widely covered in news media articles as: sex abusers, cult enthusiasts, elitists, rapists, woman beaters, sexual work extortion operators, extremists, arrogant clones of each other, tone deaf, echo-chamber reinforcing, misogynist, racist, manipulative, insecure, covertly gay, corrupt, thieves' and other anti-social revelations.

The divorce and sex abuse court filings against the #PaloAltoMafia men of Silicon Valley are some of the most disturbing and sexually twisted court records you will ever read and they demonstrate a clear and decades-long pattern of collusion and depravity. From Google's "Sex Slaves" to "Sex Penthouses" to "Deaths by Prostitute"; the list is endless.

They are not limited to California and also operate out of New York and Washington DC. They use their monopolistic control of the internet to massively and exclusively scale services that only they control and use to abuse public privacy, human rights, invention rights and information. They run their cartel like the old Italian Mafia once did.

Network Scaled Monopolies

- A crime with hookers and a very big shark

There are millions of sharks in the ocean but only "Jaws" was big enough to earn himself (The Shark) so many feature films about trying to kill him. It was simply because he was so big and so hungry. Judging by the endless sequels, Jaws seems pretty hard to kill.

This is about the biggest sharks. They are from Silicon Valley.

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Linkedin, Netflix, et al; exist because they operate under the criminal umbrella of the tech Cartel frat boys.

These guys are addicted to sex, and they are also huge assholes, so they can't keep any partners around unless they pay them to be trophy wives or "beard" wives. Buying sex from Italian escorts, young girls and New York Rent Boys is really, really expensive. This drives them to do anything to suck up huge amounts of cash.

These guys are also addicted to power, so they buy East and West Coast U.S. Senators, British Parliament members and partner with corrupt Russian oligarchs. Buying Senators is also really, really expensive. This also drives them to do anything to suck up huge amounts of cash.

These guys need, and spend, massive amounts of cash. Being a tech oligarch is really, really expensive. They can't have the IRS cutting into their hooker-budgets. They spend massive amounts on big law firms to hide money in real estate, trusts, fake charities and in a huge array of off-shore spider holes.

These guys can't afford to get caught so they hire In-Q-Tel, Gawker Media, Black Cube, Fusion-GPS, and a huge army of other attackers, to destroy anybody who questions their motives.

Their Cartel exists because they own all of the main servers, banks, venture capital firms, tech law firms, K Street lobbyists and tech HR firms.

They control their entire eco-system and black-list anybody that offends them.

They own the internet and they delete anybody who steps in their circle.

Nobody can operate outside of it.

No start-up can compete with them without getting a hit-job put on it.

Since the year 2000, together, they have put over a million smaller companies out of business.

They exist because of "Scaling": the ability to use monopolized networks to reach everyone on Earth, have lower prices, and destroy all competition because they control all infrastructure. Scaling is all they talk about at their AngelGate "power lunches" in the back rooms of Restaurants on University Avenue in Palo Alto.

The FBI can't stop them because they owned James Comey, the head of the FBI.

The SEC, FEC and FTC can't stop them because they own the regulators at those agencies.

They Obama White House could not stop them because most of the Obama Administration was staffed by, and directed by, the staff of Google, Amazon and Facebook, et al.

The Silicon Valley tech Cartel makes the Mafia look like small potatoes.

They are a criminal organization!


"Joe Simons, FTC chairman
Federal Trade Commission
Technology Task Force
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580


Patricia Galvan, Deputy Assistant Director Mergers Division
Krisha Cerilli, Counsel
Bruce Hoffman, Division Director
Robert Engel, chief spokesman for the Free and Fair Markets Initiative
GOP chairman, Joseph Simons
Rep. David Cicilline
Ed Black, president of the Computer and Communications Industry Association
Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
The Open Markets Institute
White House
National Archives
Commissioner Vestager, EU

Dear Mr. Simons:

Our Alliance of taxpayers and community interest groups applauds your mandate to bring sharper focus to antitrust issues in the tech world. We have pushed hard to get this task-force to fruition and we are excited about it’s potential

We look forward to more innovative approaches in pursuing possible antitrust cases in the Silicon Valley sector.

Public activist groups have expressed their desire to ensure that FTC investigations are as tough as possible and that the "Task Force" does not become just another taxpayer pacification “9/11 Commission”-type PR shill facade mitigation move.

We are informed by lawyers from Mofo, Wilson Sonsini, Covington, Perkins and other tech law firms that Google, Facebook and their associates have already allocated over “...one billion dollars per FTC lawyer” in your new task-force to defer, deflect, delay and influence the outcome.

Is your task-forced funded and focused to properly take on an organization willing and able to spend “one billion dollars” EACH to buy, delay and obfuscate each of your lawyers and investigators on the task-force?

This Federal Trade Commission task force could emerge as a powerful brake on the nation’s internet giants. As the Wall Street Journal has reported:

“The Silicon Valley powerhouses have grown through acquisitions and federal regulators have come under fire for failing to rein in what most of the public see as anti-competitive effects from deals such as Facebook Inc.’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram.

“We’re thrilled the FTC is engaged,” said Robert Engel, chief spokesman for the Free and Fair Markets Initiative, an activist group that has targeted Amazon.com Inc. for what it views as monopolistic behavior. FTC officials “have a real opportunity, particularly if they focus on the main offenders.”

Legal experts said the FTC move suggests the agency could be open to more innovative approaches in pursuing possible antitrust cases in the sector. To an extent, oversight of the sector has been hindered by antitrust rules and enforcement policies designed for an industrial economy.

“My view is the agency is more open to that now than at any time” in recent years, said Kevin Arquit, a former director of the FTC competition bureau who’s now at Kasowitz Benson Torres. “What this really does is challenge, are those assumptions true?”

Mr. Arquit said some of the agency’s openness to new antitrust solutions on tech issues was likely due to the wide diversity of views among the new commissioners on the five-member FTC, as well as the GOP chairman, Joseph Simons, who he said had “strong views but a real willingness to consider new ideas.”

An agency spokesman said that “right now, there is no specific plan to consider or reconsider rules or guidelines as they relate to the technology sector.” The spokesman added that if the agency were to consider changes related to competition rules in the technology sector, “the task force certainly would be consulted, but that is not why the task force was created.”

Others said the creation of the task force underscored the agency’s increasing institutional recognition of competition problems in the sector.

Still, some FTC critics questioned how aggressive the agency would be, particularly given what they view as its lackluster enforcement record in recent years.

Ed Black, president of the Computer and Communications Industry Association, said his group welcomed the creation of the group, hoping it would lead to better understanding of technology-market dynamics. “We look forward to working with the task force to ensure the best outcomes for consumers,” he said.

Some tech advocates contend that cracking down on the tech sector could backfire for consumers as well as the economy, stifling innovation and growth.

The FTC’s action comes as some consumer advocates—as well as some politicians, particularly on the left—have begun urging breakups of some of the big tech companies, including Facebook.

Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said his group was glad to see the FTC’s announcement, but added that the task force “is no substitute for meaningful enforcement.” His group is among a number of activist organizations that have urged the FTC to require breakup of Facebook in response to its privacy missteps.

The Open Markets Institute, a group that aims to expose monopolistic practices, called on the agency to “do its job” and enforce antitrust laws against the dominant platforms—Facebook, Google and Amazon. It decried what it termed the agency’s practice of “slapping these companies on the wrist with fines that ultimately do not change their behavior.”

Mr. Engel’s group, the Free and Fair Markets Initiative initiative, whose backers include labor and minority groups, is seeking to bring scrutiny to Amazon’s use of its own private-label products that compete with outside vendors on the site...”

The problem here cannot be addressed as a piece meal issue.

You are dealing with an organized criminal cartel that is every bit as coordinated as ISIS, The Mafia, A drug cartel or any other large mob.

Simply looking at a “shadow-banning” or “Deboosting” code from a Facebook or Google back-server has little effect for FTC’s total, and badly needed, regulation in this matter.

The problem under FTC’s mandate and under the rules of law for FTC to engage involves not the server room in Mountain View, California. The problem and the crimes center on Sandhill Road in Palo Alto, California. The “AngelGate Scandal” collusion documents and recordings, The “Quail Road” collusion documents and recordings, the “High Tech No-Poaching
Class Action Lawsuit”  collusion documents and recordings and the attached materials prove the RICO violating Cartel assertions beyond any doubt. Their near ownership of K-Street lobbyist groups and their contracts with EVERY single technology law firm should make you VERY, VERY concerned!

We have been inside these companies. We know the founders and executives. We were there before, and during, the formation of these companies. We know why they are REALLY doing what they are doing to the taxpayers! Their intent is criminal.

Google and Facebook get quite a bit of transparency avoidance because they imply, themselves, that they are ‘secretly The CIA and The NSA’. In fact, it is widely documented that the CIA and the NSA buy data from these companies and fund their tech projects.

In fact Google, Facebook and their Cartel are NOT the CIA or the NSA. They simply ‘whisper-campaign’ this idea to reporters and employees who seem to be a threat. The bare fact of this trick is that Google and Facebook executives want reporters, Congress-people and the public to think that “The CIA or the NSA will secretly kill you if you start looking too close at Google or Facebook”.

Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk, Jared Cohen and David Drummond are the people that promote this BS in order to prevent deep investigations of Facebook and Google!

All of the Silicon Valley Companies under investigation by the FTC Task-Force have hired staff from a “non-profit charity” called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel purports to be the “venture capital arm of the CIA”. In fact In-Q-tel is a Democrat-controlled contracting service created by a Silicon Valley game developer: Gilman Louie and James Breyer to cross sell Silicon Valley hype to spy agencies. IN-Q-Tel gave CIA technology, paid for by American taxpayers, to Google and Facebook to profit from.
They use that technology to control politics in quid-pro-quo stock market and monopoly manipulation schemes that EXCLUSIVELY benefit only Facebook and Google insiders on Sand Hill Road.

We hereby present you with internal videos, documents, public documentary materials and contacts to support these assertions. We will be releasing a series of already prepared reports to you.

We swear, warrant and certify that this evidence is accurate to the best of our knowledge."





Authorities in the UK have finally figured out that fake news stories and Russian-placed ads are not the real problem. The UK Parliament is about to impose stiff penalties—not on the people who place the ads or write the stories, but on the Big Tech platforms that determine which ads and stories people actually see.

Parliament’s plans will almost surely be energized by the latest leak of damning material from inside Google’s fortress of secrecy: The Wall Street Journal recently reported on emails exchanged among Google employees in January 2017 in which they strategized about how to alter Google search results and other “ephemeral experiences” to counter President Donald Trump’s newly imposed travel ban. The company claims that none of these plans was ever implemented, but who knows?

While U.S. authorities have merely held hearings, EU authorities have taken dramatic steps in recent years to limit the powers of Big Tech, most recently with a comprehensive law that protects user privacy—the General Data Protection Regulation—and a whopping $5.1 billion fine against Google for monopolistic practices in the mobile device market. Last year, the European Union also levied a $2.7 billion fine against Google for filtering and ordering search results in a way that favored their own products and services. That filtering and ordering, it turns out, is of crucial importance.

As years of research I’ve been conducting on online influence has shown, content per se is not the real threat these days; what really matters is (a) which content is selected for users to see, and (b) the way that content is ordered in search results, search suggestions, news feeds, message feeds, comment lists, and so on. That’s where the power lies to shift opinions, purchases, and votes, and that power is held by a disturbingly small group of people.

I say “these days” because the explosive growth of a handful of massive platforms on the internet—the largest, by far, being Google and the next largest being Facebook—has changed everything. Millions of people and organizations are constantly trying to get their content in front of our eyes, but for more than 2.5 billion people around the world—soon to be more than 4 billion—the responsibility for what algorithms do should always lie with the people who wrote the algorithms and the companies that deployed them.

In randomized, controlled, peer-reviewed research I’ve conducted with thousands of people, I’ve shown repeatedly that when people are undecided, I can shift their opinions on just about any topic just by changing how I filter and order the information I show them. I’ve also shown that when, in multiple searches, I show people more and more information that favors one candidate, I can shift opinions even farther. Even more disturbing, I can do these things in ways that are completely invisible to people and in ways that don’t leave paper trails for authorities to trace.

Worse still, these new forms of influence often rely on ephemeral content—information that is generated on the fly by an algorithm and then disappears forever, which means that it would be difficult, if not impossible, for authorities to reconstruct. If, on Election Day this coming November, Mark Zuckerberg decides to broadcast go-out-and-vote reminders mainly to members of one political party, how would we be able to detect such a manipulation? If we can’t detect it, how would we be able to reduce its impact? And how, days or weeks later, would we be able to turn back the clock to see what happened?

Of course, companies like Google and Facebook emphatically reject the idea that their search and newsfeed algorithms are being tweaked in ways that could meddle in elections. Doing so would undermine the public’s trust in their companies, spokespeople have said. They insist that their algorithms are complicated, constantly changing, and subject to the “organic” activity of users.

This is, of course, sheer nonsense. Google can adjust its algorithms to favor any candidate it chooses no matter what the activity of users might be, just as easily as I do in my experiments. As legal scholar Frank Pasquale noted in his recent book “The Black Box Society,” blaming algorithms just doesn’t cut it; the responsibility for what an algorithm does should always lie with the people who wrote the algorithm and the companies that deployed the algorithm. Alan Murray, president of Fortune, recently framed the issue this way: “Rule one in the Age of AI: Humans remain accountable for decisions, even when made by machines.”

Given that 95 percent of donations from Silicon Valley generally go to Democrats, it’s hard to imagine that the algorithms of companies like Facebook and Google don’t favor their favorite candidates. A newly leaked video of a 2016 meeting at Google shows without doubt that high-ranking Google executives share a strong political preference, which could easily be expressed in algorithms. The favoritism might be deliberately programmed or occur simply because of unconscious bias. Either way, votes and opinions shift.

It’s also hard to imagine how, in any election in the world, with or without intention on the part of company employees, Google search results would fail to tilt toward one candidate. Google’s search algorithm certainly has no equal-time rule built into it; we wouldn’t want it to! We want it to tell us what’s best, and the algorithm will indeed always favor one dog food over another, one music service over another, and one political candidate over another. When the latter happens … votes and opinions shift.

Here are 10 ways—seven of which I am actively studying and quantifying—that Big Tech companies could use to shift millions of votes this coming November with no one the wiser. Let’s hope, of course, that these methods are not being used and will never be used, but let’s be realistic too; there’s generally no limit to what people will do when money and power are on the line.

1. Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME)
Ongoing research I began in January 2013 has shown repeatedly that when one candidate is favored over another in search results, voting preferences among undecided voters shift dramatically—by 20 percent or more overall, and by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups. This is partly because people place inordinate trust in algorithmically generated output, thinking, mistakenly, that algorithms are inherently objective and impartial.

But my research also suggests that we are conditioned to believe in high-ranking search results in much the same way that rats are conditioned to press levers in Skinner boxes. Because most searches are for simple facts (“When was Donald Trump born?”), and because correct answers to simple questions inevitably turn up in the first position, we are taught, day after day, that the higher a search result appears in the list, the more true it must be. When we finally search for information to help us make a tough decision (“Who’s better for the economy, Trump or Clinton?”), we tend to believe the information on the web pages to which high-ranking search results link.

As The Washington Post reported last year, in 2016, I led a team that developed a system for monitoring the election-related search results Google, Bing, and Yahoo were showing users in the months leading up to the presidential election, and I found pro-Clinton bias in all 10 search positions on the first page of Google’s search results. Google responded, as usual, that it has “never re-ranked search results on any topic (including elections) to manipulate political sentiment”—but I never claimed it did. I found what I found, namely that Google’s search results favored Hillary Clinton; “re-ranking”—an obtuse term Google seems to have invented to confuse people—is irrelevant.

Because (a) many elections are very close, (b) 90 percent of online searches in most countries are conducted on just one search engine (Google), and (c) internet penetration is high in most countries these days—higher in many countries than it is in the United States—it is possible that the outcomes ofupwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections are now being determined by Google’s search algorithm, even without deliberate manipulation on the part of company employees. Because, as I noted earlier, Google’s search algorithm is not constrained by equal-time rules, it almost certainly ends up favoring one candidate over another in most political races, and that shifts opinions and votes.

2. Search Suggestion Effect (SSE)
When Google first introduced autocomplete search suggestions—those short lists you see when you start to type an item into the Google search bar—it was supposedly meant to save you some time. Whatever the original rationale, those suggestions soon turned into a powerful means of manipulation that Google appears to use aggressively.

My recent research suggests that (a) Google starts to manipulate your opinions from the very first character you type, and (b) by fiddling with the suggestions it shows you, Google can turn a 50–50 split among undecided voters into a 90–10 split with no one knowing. I call this manipulation the Search Suggestion Effect (SSE), and it is one of the most powerful behavioral manipulations I have ever seen in my nearly 40 years as a behavioral scientist.

How will you know whether Google is messing with your election-related search suggestions in the weeks leading up to the election? You won’t.

3. The Targeted Messaging Effect (TME)
If, on Nov. 8, 2016, Mr. Zuckerberg had sent go-out-and-vote reminders just to supporters of Mrs. Clinton, that would likely have given her an additional 450,000 votes. I’ve extrapolated that number from Facebook’s own published data.

Because Zuckerberg was overconfident in 2016, I don’t believe he sent those messages, but he is surely not overconfident this time around. In fact, it’s possible that, at this very moment, Facebook and other companies are sending out targeted register-to-vote reminders, as well as targeted go-out-and-vote reminders in primary races. Targeted go-out-and-vote reminders might also favor one party on Election Day in November.

My associates and I are building systems to monitor such things, but because no systems are currently in place, there is no sure way to tell whether Twitter, Google, and Facebook (or Facebook’s influential offshoot, Instagram) are currently tilting their messaging. No law or regulation specifically forbids the practice, and it would be an easy and economical way to serve company needs. Campaign donations cost money, after all, but tilting your messaging to favor one candidate is free.

4. Opinion Matching Effect (OME)
In March 2016, and continuing for more than seven months until Election Day, Tinder’s tens of millions of users could not only swipe to find sex partners, they could also swipe to find out whether they should vote for Trump or Clinton. The website iSideWith.com—founded and run by “two friends” with no obvious qualifications—claims to have helped more than 49 million people match their opinions to the right candidate. Both CNN and USA Today have run similar services, currently inactive.

I am still studying and quantifying this type of, um, helpful service, but so far it looks like (a) opinion matching services tend to attract undecided voters—precisely the kinds of voters who are most vulnerable to manipulation, and (b) they can easily produce opinion shifts of 30 percent or more without people’s awareness.

At this writing, iSideWith is already helping people decide who they should vote for in the 2018 New York U.S. Senate race, the 2018 New York gubernatorial race, the 2018 race for New York District 10 of the U.S. House of Representatives, and, believe it or not, the 2020 presidential race. Keep your eyes open for other matching services as they turn up, and ask yourself this: Who wrote those algorithms, and how can we know whether they are biased toward one candidate or party?

5. Answer Bot Effect (ABE)
More and more these days, people don’t want lists of thousands of search results, they just want the answer, which is being supplied by personal assistants like Google Home devices, the Google Assistant on Android devices, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google’s featured snippets—those answer boxesat the top of Google search results. I call the opinion shift produced by such mechanisms the Answer Bot Effect (ABE).

My research on Google’s answer boxes shows three things so far: First, they reduce the time people spend searching for more information. Second, they reduce the number of times people click on search results. And third, they appear to shift opinions 10 to 30 percent more than search results alone do. I don’t yet know exactly how many votes can be shifted by answer bots, but in a national election in the United States, the number might be in the low millions.

6. Shadowbanning

Recently, Trump complained that Twitter was preventing conservatives from reaching many of their followers on that platform through shadowbanning, the practice of quietly hiding a user’s posts without the user knowing. The validity of Trump’s specific accusation is arguable, but the fact remains that any platform on which people have followers or friends can be rigged in a way to suppress the views and influence of certain individuals without people knowing the suppression is taking place. Unfortunately, without aggressive monitoring systems in place, it’s hard to know for sure when or even whether shadowbanning is occurring.

7. Programmed Virality and the Digital Bandwagon Effect
Big Tech companies would like us to believe that virality on platforms like YouTube or Instagram is a profoundly mysterious phenomenon, even while acknowledging that their platforms are populated by tens of millions of fake accounts that might affect virality.

In fact, there is an obvious situation in which virality is not mysterious at all, and that is when the tech companies themselves decide to shift high volumes of traffic in ways that suit their needs. And aren’t they always doing this? Because Facebook’s algorithms are secret, if an executive decided to bestow instant Instagram stardom on a pro-Elizabeth Warren college student, we would have no way of knowing that this was a deliberate act and no way of countering it.

The same can be said of the virality of YouTube videos and Twitter campaigns; they are inherently competitive—except when company employees or executives decide otherwise. Google has an especially powerful and subtle way of creating instant virality using a technique I’ve dubbed the Digital Bandwagon Effect. Because the popularity of websites drives them higher in search results, and because high-ranking search results increase the popularity of websites (SEME), Google has the ability to engineer a sudden explosion of interest in a candidate or cause with no one—perhaps even people at the companies themselves—having the slightest idea they’ve done so. In 2015, I published a mathematical model showing how neatly this can work.

8. The Facebook Effect
Because Facebook’s ineptness and dishonesty have squeezed it into a digital doghouse from which it might never emerge, it gets its own precinct on my list.

In 2016, I published an article detailing five ways that Facebook could shift millions of votes without people knowing: biasing its trending box, biasing its center newsfeed, encouraging people to look for election-related material in its search bar (which it did that year!), sending out targeted register-to-vote reminders, and sending out targeted go-out-and-vote reminders.

I wrote that article before the news stories broke about Facebook’s improper sharing of user data with multiple researchers and companies, not to mention the stories about how the company permitted fake news stories to proliferate on its platform during the critical days just before the November election—problems the company is now trying hard to mitigate. With the revelations mounting, on July 26, 2018, Facebook suffered the largest one-day drop in stock value of any company in history, and now it’s facing a shareholder lawsuit and multiple fines and investigations in both the United States and the EU.
Facebook desperately needs new direction, which is why I recently called for Zuckerberg’s resignation. The company, in my view, could benefit from the new perspectives that often come with new leadership.

9. Censorship
I am cheating here by labeling one category “censorship,” because censorship—the selective and biased suppression of information—can be perpetrated in so many different ways.

Shadowbanning could be considered a type of censorship, for example, and in 2016, a Facebook whistleblower claimed he had been on a company team that was systematically removing conservative news stories from Facebook’s newsfeed. Now, because of Facebook’s carelessness with user data, the company is openly taking pride in rapidly shutting down accounts that appear to be Russia-connected—even though company representatives sometimes acknowledge that they “don’t have all the facts.”

Meanwhile, Zuckerberg has crowed about his magnanimity in preserving the accounts of people who deny the Holocaust, never mentioning the fact that provocative content propels traffic that might make him richer. How would you know whether Facebook was selectively suppressing material that favored one candidate or political party? You wouldn’t. (For a detailed look at nine ways Google censors content, see my essay “The New Censorship,” published in 2016.)

10. The Digital Customization Effect (DCE)
Any marketer can tell you how important it is to know your customer. Now, think about that simple idea in a world in which Google has likely collected the equivalent of millions of Word pages of information about you. If you randomly display a banner ad on a web page, out of 10,000 people, only five are likely to click on it; that’s the CTR—the “clickthrough rate” (0.05 percent). But if you target your ad, displaying it only to people whose interests it matches, you can boost your CTR a hundredfold.

That’s why Google, Facebook, and others have become increasingly obsessed with customizing the information they show you: They want you to be happily and mindlessly clicking away on the content they show you.
In the research I conduct, my impact is always larger when I am able to customize information to suit people’s backgrounds. Because I know very little about the participants in my experiments, however, I am able to do so in only feeble ways, but the tech giants know everything about you—even things you don’t know about yourself. This tells me that the effect sizes I find in my experiments are probably too low. The impact that companies like Google are having on our lives is quite possibly much larger than I think it is. Perhaps that doesn’t scare you, but it sure scares me.

The Same Direction

OK, you say, so much for Epstein’s list! What about those other shenanigans we’ve heard about: voter fraud (Trump’s explanation for why he lost the popular vote), gerrymandering, rigged voting machines, targeted ads placed by Cambridge Analytica, votes cast over the internet, or, as I mentioned earlier, those millions of bots designed to shift opinions. What about hackers like Andrés Sepúlveda, who spent nearly a decade using computer technology to rig elections in Latin America? What about all the ways new technologies make dirty tricks easier in elections? And what about those darn Russians, anyway?
To all that I say: kid stuff. Dirty tricks have been around since the first election was held millennia ago. But unlike the new manipulative tools controlled by Google and Facebook, the old tricks are competitive—it’s your hacker versus my hacker, your bots versus my bots, your fake news stories versus my fake news stories—and sometimes illegal, which is why Sepúlveda’s efforts failed many times and why Cambridge Analytica is dust.

“Cyberwar,” a new book by political scientist Kathleen Hall Jamieson, reminds us that targeted ads and fake news stories can indeed shift votes, but the numbers are necessarily small. It’s hard to overwhelm your competitor when he or she can play the same games you are playing.

Now, take a look at my numbered list. The techniques I’ve described can shift millions of votes without people’s awareness, and because they are controlled by the platforms themselves, they are entirely noncompetitive. If Google or Facebook or Twitter wants to shift votes, there is no way to counteract their manipulations. In fact, at this writing, there is not even a credible way of detecting those manipulations.

And what if the tech giants are all leaning in the same political direction? What if the combined weight of their subtle and untraceable manipulative power favors one political party? If 150 million people vote this November in the United States, with 20 percent still undecided at this writing (that’s 30 million people), I estimate that the combined weight of Big Tech manipulations could easily shift upwards of 12 million votes without anyone knowing. That’s enough votes to determine the outcomes of hundreds of close local, state, and congressional races throughout the country, which makes the free-and-fair election little more than an illusion.

Full disclosure: I happen to think that the political party currently in favor in Silicon Valley is, by a hair (so to speak), the superior party at the moment. But I also love America and democracy, and I believe that the free-and-fair election is the bedrock of our political system. I don’t care how “right” these companies might be; lofty ends do not justify shady means, especially when those means are difficult to see and not well understood by either authorities or the public.

Can new regulations or laws save us from the extraordinary powers of manipulation the Big Tech companies now possess? Maybe, but our leaders seem to be especially regulation-shy these days, and I doubt, in any case, whether laws and regulations will ever be able to keep up with the new kinds of threats that new technologies will almost certainly pose in coming years.

I don’t believe we are completely helpless, however. I think that one way to turn Facebook, Google, and the innovative technology companies that will succeed them, into responsible citizens is to set upsophisticated monitoring systems that detect, analyze, and archive what they’re showing people—in effect, to fight technology with technology.

As I mentioned earlier, in 2016, I led a team that monitored search results on multiple search engines. That was a start, but we can do much better. These days, I’m working with business associates and academic colleagues on three continents to scale up systems to monitor a wide range of information the Big Tech companies are sharing with their users—even the spoken answers provided by personal assistants. Ultimately, a worldwide ecology of passive monitoring systems will make these companies accountable to the public, with information bias and online manipulation detectable in real time.

With November drawing near, there is obviously some urgency here. At this writing, it’s not clear whether we will be fully operational in time to monitor the midterm elections, but we’re determined to be ready for 2020.

- Robert Epstein is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California. Epstein, who holds a doctorate from Harvard University, is the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and has published 15 books and more than 300 articles on internet influence and other topics. He is currently working on a book called “Technoslavery: Invisible Influence in the Internet Age and Beyond.” His research is featured in the new documentary “The Creepy Line.” You can find him on Twitter
- Robert Epstein is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California. Epstein, who holds a doctorate from Harvard University, is the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and has published 15 books and more than 300 articles on internet influence and other topics. He is currently working on a book called “Technoslavery: Invisible Influence in the Internet Age and Beyond.” His research is featured in the new documentary “The Creepy Line.” You can find him on Twitter @DrREpstein.@DrREpstein.


Obama Campaign Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Federal and Public Prosecutors

- Probe looking into whether committee misspent funds and top Silicon Valley donors gave money in exchange for access to the administration

Federal and public prosecutors are investigating whether Barack Obama's first campaign committee misspent some of the record millions it raised from donations, people familiar with the matter said.

The criminal probe by the attorney’s office, which is in its early stages, also is examining whether some of the committee’s top donors gave money in exchange for access to the incoming Obama administration, policy concessions or to influence official administration positions through Department of Energy "slush-funds".

Giving money in exchange for political favors runs afoul of federal corruption laws. Diverting funds from organizations like USAID, In-Q-Tel, Clinton Foundation and others which are registered as a nonprofit, could also violate federal law.

The investigation represents another potential legal threat to people who are or were in Obama's orbit. Their business dealings and activities during and since the campaign have led to a number of indictments and guilty pleas. Many of the Obama's biggest campaign backers, including Elon Musk, Steve Jurvetson, John Doerr and others, were involved in the schemes and benefited from them.

The investigation partly arises out of materials seized in related federal probes.

The Obama committee hasn’t been asked for records or been contacted by prosecutors.

Former President Barack Obama’s first inaugural fund reported raised a massive amount in 2009, a campaign record. Obama's funds came largely from wealthy donors and corporations who gave $1 million or more, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

A lawyer for Barack Obama didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The Obama White House staff didn’t respond to requests for comment on the investigation.


In the CleanTech Crash Department of Energy Dark Money scandal portion of this case, the victims had much to say:

By Dan Epstein

News flash: Government subsidies and special-interest favors go hand in hand.

The latest example comes from a federal green-energy loan program. Last month, the DC District Court ruled that Cause of Action, where I am executive director, can proceed with a lawsuitagainst the Department of Energy. We’re suing the federal government for the blatant political favoritism in its $25 billion “Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program.”

In principle, this taxpayer-funded program was supposed to support the manufacture of energy-efficient cars. In practice, it rewarded a select few well-connected companies.

Since the program was created in 2008, numerous businesses have applied for its taxpayer-backed financial support. Yet only a small number were approved. Among the lucky few were two electric car manufacturers: Teslaand Fisker.

Both companies’ political connections run deep, especially Tesla’s. The company’s founder, Elon Musk, was a max donor for President Obama. One of its board members, Steven Westly, was appointed to a Department of Energy advisory board. And another Obama bundler, Tesla investor and adviser Steven Spinner, secured employment in the department’s Loan Program Office—the very office that gave the company a taxpayer-backed loan.

Fisker also has friends in high places. The company, which has since gone bankruptwas backed by a San Francisco venture capital firm whose senior partners donated millions to the 2008 Obama campaign and other Democrat causes. One partnerJohn Doerr, parlayed his support into a seat on the President’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness.

Such connections can allow a company to exert political pressure to enrich itself. Unsurprisingly, Department of Energy emails show that such pressure was rampant in its loan programs.

There’s no shortage of examples. The department’s leaders—including then-Secretary of Energy Steven Chu—repeatedly promised to deliver results to politicians like Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.). One emails reads, “DOE has made a political commitment” to approve a company’s loan. Another says the “pressure is on real heavy” from none other than Vice President Joe Biden. And still another shows an employee asking, “what’s another billion anyhow?”

Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration gave Tesla and Fisker preferential treatment, and then some.

The Department of Energy revised its review process in order finish the companies’ applications faster. The government gave them extraordinary access to its staff and facilities—even to the point of having government employees personally walk them through the loan application and approval process. The department ignored its own lending rules in order to approve the companies’ loans. And it renegotiated the terms of some loans after the companies could not keep their original commitments or were experiencing financial difficulties. Tellingly, Fisker has since gone out of business, despite receiving over a billion dollars in loans through this federal program.

Now contrast this preferential treatment with what happened to XP Vehicles and Limnia, neither of which have the same political connections. (My organization is suing the Department of Energy on their behalf). The two companies partnered to manufacture an energy-efficient sport utility vehicle that would have competed with Tesla and Fisker’s cars. They applied for loans in 2008 and 2009 under the same loan program.

The department refused them both—and it used bogus reasons to do so.

For starters, the department made claims that were laughably false. To take one example: It rejected XPV’s application because its vehicle was powered by hydrogen. It was an electric SUV. It also raised objections that it didn’t raise with other companies whose applications were approved. For instance: The bureaucracy criticized the proposed all-electric vehicle for not using a specific type of gasoline. Yet Tesla and Fisker received the loans despite producing similar all-electric cars.

In light of these obvious problems and hypocrisy, both companies presented the Department of Energy with detailed rebuttals. Yet the government failed to respond. To this day, both XPV and Limnia are awaiting a satisfactory reply. In the meantime, XPV has gone out of business (temporarily), unable to compete against its politically connected—and subsidized—rivals.

This casts the Department of Energy’s loan program in a new light. It was sold to the American public as a means of promoting energy-efficient vehicles. Instead, it was used to benefit a select few well-connected companies. It was a blatant crony handout, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.

Sadly, similar examples are widespread in Washington. That’s no surprise considering the feds spend roughly $100 billion a year in taxpayer-funded handouts to businesses. This breeds the sort of government-business collusion Americans think is rampant in Washington. In fact, over two-thirds of likely voters think the federal government helps businesses that hire the most lobbyists, shake the right hands, and pad the right pockets. They’re right.

This points to a simple conclusion: Politicians and bureaucrats shouldn’t use the public’s money to pad private companies’ bottom lines. As the Department of Energy’s green-vehicle loan program shows, the capacity for corruption is immense—and inevitable.



"After being attacked with a $30 million dollar retribution program by political operatives who were also our business competitors we fought back. With the encouragement of members of Congress we used 100% legal tools to interdict the corruption.

First, with a unique new kind of pioneering federal lawsuit, we established — FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LEGAL HISTORY — that political cronyism is a valid basis for a claim of arbitrary-and-capricious agency action under the Administrative Procedure Act. See: Federal Case One, (D.D.C. 2015).

Second, we prevailed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on our appeal of the district court’s ruling that an agency may escape judicial review of its action by requesting a voluntary remand but refusing to reconsider its initial denial of an application. See: Case Federal Two, (D.C. Cir. 2017). The D.C. Circuit agreed with us that an agency may only seek a remand if it promises to reconsider its initial decision. It is because of that victory that DOE is now reconsidering the ATVM application under Federal Court order and we are using GAO, FBI and Congressional oversight offices to assure effective ethics and transparency.

Third, we placed, on permanent public record, one of the most detailed documentation sets, ever assembled, about how modern political "Dark Money" conduits operate. This prevents the use of those kinds of criminal efforts, in the future, by exposing the tactics to the public.

Fourth, Our Team engaged in the interdiction and termination of corrupt agency executives, contractors and their financiers. This included some of the most well-known names in Washinton, DC, at the time. Many of them were investigated by the FBI, GAO and Congress.

Fifth, and most important, we put every corrupt political scheme on notice that they WILL be found out and interdicted and that we will re-activate every interdiction resource if it happens again to us!

The bottom line? We Won!"



Bright Automotive Calls Out Crony Corruption In Nationwide Open Letter:

Bright Automotive executives minced few words in laying out the impact of the DoE's politically rigged decision-making process. Their letter says:

"The ineffectiveness of the DOE to execute its program harms commercial enterprise as it not only interfered with the capital markets; it placed American companies at the whim of approval by a group of bureaucrats.

Today at your own ARPA-E conference, Fred Smith, the remarkable leader of FedEx, made the compelling case to reduce our dependence on oil; a product whose price is manipulated by a cartel which has caused the greatest wealth transfer in our history from the pockets of working people and businesses to countries, many of whom are not our allies.

And yet, having in hand a tremendous tool for progress in this critically strategic battle -- a tool that drew the country's best to your door -- you failed not only in the deployment of funds from ATVM but in dissipating these efforts against not just false hope, but false words..."


Marita Noon on the Green Crony Corruption of the Obama DNC -

Everyone who pays any attention to the news knows the name Solyndra. It has become synonymous with the overall failed green energy program administered by the Obama team. Politicos know there are many other companies that have received loan guarantees for various green energy projects that have since become a source of ridicule for the White House. Some might even be able to name a few. There is the now-bankrupt company that made batteries for electric cars: Ener1. The plug-in electric sports car company, Fisker, that made its cars in Finland and has troubles too numerous to cite. And, of course, we know about the Chevy Volt—that our taxpayer dollars bailed out only to have demand so low that Chevrolet had to pull the plug on the production line and lay off workers for five weeks earlier this year. But few know the full story.

Connecting the dots will make your head hurt. There are various programs and special tax breaks and different kinds of companies that received green energy loans: solar, wind, and geothermal; and car companies, battery manufacturers, and biofuel producers. While the projects differ, they have several startling similarities. The vast majority of the green energy loan guarantees were given to companies that could not obtain enough financial backing from private investors. Their “junk” or “speculative” grade kept people from putting their own money into them —yet your money and mine was given to them, and we had no say in the matter. Of the 27 loans issued through the 1705 Loan Guarantee Program to 21 firms, virtually all of them have “connections” to either President Obama or other high-ranking Democrats—or both! The loans were made to fill a market created not by free-market demand, but by government mandates. And, all of the “special seven” got fast-tracked approvals through the Department of Interior with little scrutiny over environmental damages that would have taken any other energy company months, if not years, to get, and EPA regulations were applied selectively.

Many of the companies that received the funds had involvement with large donors and/or bundlers for the Obama campaign, and there is an amazing revolving door through which the players pass many times. They worked, for example, for Senator Harry Reid. Then they are on the staff of an investment firm that invested in one, or more, of the companies. Next you find he or she is on some White House commission—or worse, became part of the Obama Department of Energy team. Some 460 companies applied for DOE loans, but only 27 projects, 21 companies, got the funds. And 85% of these have been found to have “connections.” The remaining 15% may well have connections too, albeit more guarded or hidden.

These are not wild assertions. I have the data to back them up.

Following the publication of my column a couple of weeks ago on crony capitalism, I was connected with Christine Lakatos. She’s a private citizen and a single mom with a nose for research. Beginning in 2009, she was hired to work on investigative projects, following the green energy money. But when those projects were completed, she didn’t stop digging. She kept finding more and more. With no outlet for her work, she started a blog where she “brain dumps” her findings—which for a total unknown has received an impressive number of readers. For anyone but the most stalwart, her Green Corruption Blog is like getting a drink of water from a fire hydrant.

On Sunday, some of Lakatos’ research was presented in my weekly column. The response prompted us to begin a collaboration.

For each of the next 17 weeks, we will expose one green-energy, crony-corruption story after another (though my travel schedule may require me to skip a week here and there). It will be a “book” released chapter-by-chapter. If you like what you find, we hope you’ll let us know and come back the following week for the next installment.

Some single stories of what we’ll expose are “out there”—though surely not covered by the mainstream media and not all in one place or all connected as we’re doing.  If you made a study of the green-energy, crony-corruption story your passion, you likely found out a lot of what we’ll share. If you read the report from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (HOGRC) on the Obama Administration’s green energy gamble word-for-word, or watched the incriminating hearings, you’ll already know some of what we’ll present. Or, if you’ve read the chapter in Peter Schweizer’s book Throw Them All Out that addresses alternative energy and “how the game of funneling taxpayer money to friends has exploded to astonishing levels in recent years,” you have a good idea of the big picture. If you have made this your passion, have studied the report, and have coordinated with Schweizer, as Lakatos has, you are encouraged to help make these reports as complete as possible. Together, we’ll connect the dots and present it here in bite-sized pieces.

Each of the energy projects we will profile in the “special seven” section were recipients of billions of taxpayer dollars through the 1705 Loan Guarantee Program (LGP) and many will be receiving millions more through the 1603 Grant Program. The 1705 LGP is an expansion of the 1703 program that was approved in 2005 under President Bush—increasing the expenditures from $17.9 billion in 2007 to $37.2 billion in 2010. The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act significantly expanded the DOE’s authority, under Energy Secretary Steven Chu, through the newly created 1705 LGP. (Under the Recovery Act, $86 billion—approximately 10% of the stimulus package—was earmarked for green energy projects.) The LGP means that companies get risk-free money. If the company succeeds, the low-interest loan gets paid back. If they fail—as many have—we, the taxpayers, lose. In contrast, the 1603 Grant Program—implemented as part the Obama stimulus––is administered by the Treasury Department, with the goal of reimbursing eligible applicants for a portion of the costs of installing specified energy property used in a trade or business or for the production of income. Basically 1603 gives billions in favored businesses tax-free cash gifts that do not have to be paid back.

While we can prove that cronyism has run amok within the majority of 1705 LGP, we'll stay focused on the Special Seven. Here, in Part 1, we present a complete overview of the connecting dots on one project: SolarReserve, LLC. With this introduction made, we’ll likely address several companies, with a common denominator, in subsequent releases.

In Sunday’s column, the following thumbnail was presented: “SolarReserve’s Crescent Dunes project is a solar thermal power tower plant utilizing the advanced molten salt power tower technology with integrated storage located in Tonopah, NV. The company's Fitch rating is BB, yet in September 2011, it was the recipient of $737 million in DOE loan guarantees. Obama’s law school buddy and 2008 Obama campaign bundler, Michael Froman, was managing director of alternative investments at Citigroup—which became a major investor in SolarReserve. Froman currently serves on the White House staff. Additionally, other high profile Democrats are involved with SolarReserve.”

But there is more.

More about Michael Froman. Peter Schweizer reports that “When Obama ran for president, Froman helped raise large sums of money on Wall Street” for the 2008 campaign. The HOGRC report (page 47) confirms Peter’s findings and adds that Froman was a $200,000 bundler: “Michael Froman currently serves as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs. He was a friend of President Obama’s from law school, and supported his political career by bundling over $200,000 for his 2008 presidential candidacy. Prior to his arrival at the White House, Froman was the Managing Director of Alternative Investments at Citigroup, where he managed infrastructure and sustainable development investments. Citigroup became a major investor in SolarReserve, which ultimately received a $737 million loan guarantee in September 2011.”

The Citigroup connection is tighter. Richard Parsons was Chairman for Citigroup from 2009 until he announced stepping down in March 2012. Citigroup was a top Obama donor in 2008. Parsons served on the Obama Transition Team and on the Economic Advisory Board. In 2011, Parsons was appointed to the President’s Council on Jobs and Competiveness.

Next, David Sandalow—who is currently “the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at DOE, where he acts as Secretary’s Chu’s principal adviser on energy policy, as well as coordinating DOE’s foreign policy involvement.” (HOGRC report page 49) “Sandalow’s ties to the White House date back to the Clinton Administration, during which he worked with President Clinton on environmental issues. After having gained this experience, Sandalow became the influential Chair of the Energy & Climate Working Group of the Clinton Global Initiative. He went on to advise President Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. Prior to joining the Obama Administration, Sandalow was a senior advisor to Good Energies, Inc., an energy-focused venture capital firm. Good Energies is an investor in SolarReserve.”

Other SolarReserve connections to the Democratic Party include:

Ronald Pelosi—Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, Ronald Pelosi, holds a leadership position with Pacific Corporate Group Asset Management—which is an investor in SolarReserve. Additionally, his colleague, Jasandra Nyker, has served as a member of SolarReserve’s board of directors.

George Kaiser—Argonaut Private Equity is an investor in SolarReserve. Argonaut Private Equity is owned by major Democratic fundraiser and a 2008 Top Obama bundler George Kaiser, who also invested in Solyndra. Kaiser made multiple visits to the White House in the months before the company was granted a $535 million loan from the government. The Managing Director for Argonaut Private Equity, Steve Mitchell, serves on SolarReserve's Board of Directors. 

Tony PodestaOpenSecrets.org shows that SolarReserve paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group. Tony Podesta is the principal at the Podesta Group—which he started with his brother John. John Podesta ran Barack Obama’s presidential transition team and is the Director of the Center for American Progress—which is “reportedly highly influential in helping to craft White House Policy.” Both Tony Podesta and his wife Heather (a Washington power couple) are frequent White House visitors that share high ranks in "lobbying power," and Democrat bundling as well.

Lee Bailey—SolarReserve’s Chairman of the Board is Lee Bailey, a Managing Director with U.S. Renewables Group, who holds a significant financial stake in SolarReserve. Bailey has donated $21,850 since 2008 to Democratic candidates, including President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, California Sen. Barbara Boxer and then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

James McDermottSolarReserve board member James McDermott is also a Managing Director with U.S. Renewables Group. He contributed $61,500 to various Democratic campaigns since 2008, including $30,800 to Obama’s presidential election campaign. U.S Renewable Energy Group has ties with Senator Harry Reid.

If there were only one connect-the-dots story, it would be easy to dismiss it as coincidence. But here, with just one company, you can see the dots connect, and connect, and connect. As you will continue to see, they keep on connecting. In this case, connect-the-dots is no innocent childhood game. It is a high-stakes gamble and only those with connections get to play. Obama and his Democratic friends are the winners. We, the taxpayers, the losers. We lose the financial investment of our tax dollars and our electricity rates go up—all to support the discredited ruse of man-made climate change.

DOE corruption: appointed and elected officials should face prison time

An exhaustive review of 350+ pages of leaked emails regarding the Obama administration’s handling of the various green-energy loan and grant programs makes several things very clear: they lied, engaged in favoritism, and rushed application approvals to suit the political agenda of the White House. At the same time, worthy projects that went through a complete due diligence process were denied or ultimately withdrawn, as the lengthy approval process “taxed investors’ patience”—as was the case with Aptera Motors, which worked closely with the DOE for two years.

Paul Wilbur, President and CEO at Aptera, didn’t think they were treated unfairly. He told me, “At the end of the day, we couldn’t get through the process.” But, he admits, he hasn’t read the emails.

Aptera was trying to build a very efficient electric vehicle with an under $30K price point. Wilbur met with Secretary Chu who could see the value in the technology. But our research shows that value was not the deciding factor in which projects got funded and which ones didn’t. Wilbur reports that he didn’t donate to any candidate. He wanted to keep the whole process clean and do what was “good for America.” 

The report from the House Oversight Committee says Aptera first applied for an ATVM loan in December of 2008 and “shut down on December 2, 2011.”  The report implies that Aptera was led on: “After numerous negotiations with DOE, in September 2011, Aptera received a conditional loan commitment of $150 million if the company was able to raise $80 million privately.” And: “The loans given to Fisker and Tesla gave Aptera hope that DOE would eventually act on their application. More importantly, since the DOE continued to engage with the company throughout the time period, management was convinced that DOE was interested and willing to provide financing for the company.”

Aptera’s 100% US technology has since been sold to a Chinese company.

Aptera was applying for an Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing loan (ATVM). Only five loans were given out through the program and all have political ramifications. Christine Lakatos, who has worked with me on the green-energy, crony-corruption reports I’ve written, has done thorough research on the topic. She has read each and every one of the 350+ pages of emails released on October 31 and has written a blog post specifically addressing the ATVM program and its hijinks. As she cites, Fisker and Tesla (which Romney referenced in the first debate), got loans in 2010 and then the Vehicle Production Group’s loan was the only ATVM loan closed in 2011; all have ties to Obama bundlers. The other two ATVM loans went to Ford and Nissan—both of which, according to the House report, “were heavily engaged in negotiations with the Administration over fuel economy standards for model years 2012-2016 at the time the DOE was considering their applications. Both companies eventually expressed publicly their support for these standards, which the Administration described as the ‘Historic Agreement.’”

Armed with the sweeping knowledge of the House reports and subsequent hearings, evidence from DOE staffers (many of whom were appointed by Obama), Lakatos’ research, and personal experience, a different ATVM applicant has now taken its case to court citing “corruption and negligence.”

On November 16, 2012, XP Technologies filed a lawsuit against the federal government concerning the DOE’s denial of XP Technology’s loan guarantee application. The complaint alleges: “criminal activities did take place by DOE staff and affiliates.” A November 23 press release announces that XP Technologies is now represented by Cause of Action, “a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that uses investigative, legal, and communication tools to educate the public on how government accountability and transparency protects taxpayer interests and economic activity.”

According to the document filed on November 16, “Plaintiffs' backgrounds include extensive issued patents on seminal technologies in use world-wide, White House and Congressional commendations and an engineering team of highly experienced auto-makers. Plaintiff brought a vehicle design, which was proposed as the longest range, safest, lowest cost electric vehicle, to be built in America in order to deliver extensive American jobs nationwide. No other applicant, or award ‘winner’, has succeeded in meeting, or (is) intending to meet, that milestone. XP Technology developed a patented lightweight, low-cost, long-range, electric vehicle using air-expanded foam-skinned material for a portion of the polymer body and received numerous patents, acclaim and superior computer modeling metrics over any competing solution. XP presented a vast set of letters of support to DOE from pending customers. Major auto-industry facilities and engineers had joined forces to bring the vehicle to the defense, commercial and consumer market.”

Over the weekend, we had an exclusive interview, on condition of anonymity, with a senior official at XP Technologies about the lawsuit and the experience.

He reported: “Staff from within the DOE have provided evidence which is quite compelling.” As Aptera's Wilbur made clear, the individuals within the DOE were very thorough. One of the emails, in the 350+ pages, was from Secretary Chu himself in which he criticized staffers for taking a “principled stand,” which held up the approval process of projects the White House wanted advanced. Another indicated that the pressure to rush was coming from “above the agency.” Overall, the emails show that projects were rushed so that announcements could coincide with visits, speeches, and photo ops—as well as providing talking points for the president.

Our XP source told us “We experienced, and have been provided evidence of, applicant submissions and reviews being modified in order to benefit some and disadvantage others, and the business connections between the different parties associated with the ones that benefited is quite extraordinary.”  The leaked emails support this accusation, specifically regarding the “business connections.” In her post, Lakatos calls it “green fraternizing.” The emails show that certain applicants and decision makers went bike riding together, had coffee meetings, sleepovers, beer summits, parties, dinners, and fundraisers.

While he didn’t provide us with a name, the XP official said, “We experienced a senior senator blockading our efforts and then providing favors to a competitor, which then benefited his family financially.” The discovery the lawsuit will provide will expose the “senior senator,” but our previous research shows that Senator Harry Reid’s actions seem to fit the XP official’s comment.

XP Technologies believes that “DOE officials changed the first-come-first-served published rules and standards of the funding in order to take applicants in order of who they favored and who had purchased the most influence instead of the order in which they applied, as required.”

Having extensively studied the DOE’s various loan programs, including the ATVM, Lakatos and I agree with our source’s startling conclusion: “Based on the evidence provided by investigators, and experienced directly by our team, it is hard to imagine that at least one or more elected, or?appointed, officials might not be seeing measures ranging from censure or even federal prison time.”

Time, the lawsuit, and subsequent investigation will tell.

While the House Oversight Committee has been digging deeply into the mismanagement and corruption of the green energy loans, the media has paid little attention. Other than our report, the October 31 release of the emails cited here received virtually no news reporting. Even the Fox News Channel ignored the story. The plight of promising companies like Aptera and XP Technologies would have gone unnoticed if not for the lawsuit. The legal complaint attracted attention.

On November 16, the Heritage Foundation broke the XP story: “A lawsuit filed in federal court on Wednesday alleges mass favoritism in the Department of Energy’s decisions to award federal grants to major car companies to develop electric vehicles, according to a legal complaint obtained by Scribe.”

On November 19, Lakatos, whose work is listed as “evidence” in the legal complaint, received a call from Fox News’ Gary Gastelu—who reported on the story on November 20. The next day, Fox News covered the lawsuit on America’s Newsroom. Even the Drudge Report picked up on the story.

XP has a litigation website on which the company states: “The case has nothing to do with complaining about not getting the loans. It has everything to do with HOW the applicants didn't get the loans!” They are communicating with other applicants about participating in the lawsuit.

The XP story and subsequent media coverage offers a lesson for others—especially industries who have been wronged by the Obama Administration’s practices (such as energy). The lawsuit may—or may not—send officials to federal prison, as our XP source suggests, but it could go a long way to winning in the court of public opinion.

U.S. prosecutors unsealed an indictment against four people affiliated with the Panama City law firm Mossack Fonseca, the first such American charges related to the 2016 Panama Papers leak and hundreds of crooked U.S. campaign financiers are caught up in the scheme!!!



Univision struggling to find buyer for crap-tabloid Gizmodo sites after permanent kill order placed on Gizmodo

- Gizmodo, Gawker, Jalopnik and any revival of Gizmodo, will be 'permanently doxed, boycotted and advertiser shamed into bankruptcy and lawsuits' say those attacked by Gizmodo's use of political character assassination services...Read more: https://nypost.com/2018/12/25/univision-struggling-to-find-buyer-for-gizmodo-sites/

Should dirty politicians and their Silicon Valley oligarch campaign financiers get to "kill" taxpayers lives without getting arrested? How and why did a Donald Trump stripper-date named "Stormy" or an Elon Musk sex party or a Kavanaugh drinking incident or the Moonves and Weinstein indiscretions suddenly hit the news at about the same time in news history?

It is all part of the modern trend in vendetta, revenge and political payback when a Senator or a tech oligarch issues a "kill order" on an opponent.

The client does not like to get their hands dirty so the actual social hit job is performed by companies such as:

IN-Q-Tel - (DNC); Gawker Media - (DNC); Jalopnik - (DNC); Gizmodo Media - (DNC); K2 Intelligence - (DNC); WikiStrat - (DNC); Podesta Group - (DNC); Fusion GPS - (DNC/GOP); Google - (DNC); YouTube - (DNC); Alphabet - (DNC); Facebook - (DNC); Twitter - (DNC); Think Progress - (DNC); Media Matters - (DNC); Black Cube - (DNC); Mossad - (DNC); Correct The Record - (DNC); Sand Line - (DNC/GOP); Blackwater - (DNC/GOP); Stratfor - (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue - (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge Analytica - (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock - (DNC); Covington and Burling - (DNC), Perkins Coie - (DNC); Wilson Sonsini - (DNC)  and hundreds of others…These are the people and companies that except cash, revolving door jobs, political appointments, insider trading stock in Silicon Valley tech companies, prostitutes and real estate in exchange for destroying the lives of others.

They deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives for taking away the lives of others in exchange for cash. Any company who is corrupt enough to hire any of these assassins should be forced out of business. These attack services are responsible for 90% of the "Fake News" problem in the world because they are the authors of most fake news. Congress must act to make these kinds of companies illegal!

These digital assassination services offer hit-jobs, character assassinations and economic reprisal programs to famous billionaires and corrupt politicians who are seeking revenge, retribution and vendetta executions.

In the case of reporters getting targeted for attacks, President Donald Trump has been accused by the liberal corporate media of whipping up a hateful frenzy against the press. But while CNN’s Jim Acosta grandstands against Trump, real journalists are still reeling from the draconian extrajudicial measures that Barack Obama and his administration used to target them for exposing truth.

This secretive targeting occurred while Obama speechwriter and hate-filled ANTIFA supporter Ben Rhodes was running “Operation Echo Chamber,” which reportedly continues, in which he fed information to willing corporate media scribes. “They literally know nothing,” Rhodes said of the twentysomething journalists he easily manipulated.

The Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Trevor Timm published documents showing how former attorney general Eric Holder changed the rules to more effectively intimidate and surveil members of the press.

Timm writes: “Today, we are revealing—for the first time—the Justice Department’s rules for targeting journalists with secret FISA court orders. The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Freedom of the Press Foundation and Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.”

Trending: Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him

Here is the memo published by the Foundation, which dropped the documents in their entirety:

Obama is also clearly linked to the plot to obtain fraudulent FISA warrants on President Trump’s team, as evidenced by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts confirming that Obama was overseeing their fly-by-night operation.

Larry Schweikart reported for Big League Politics:

For months pundits and researchers have been pondering the mystery of the FISA approval that led to the illegal and historically titanic scandals to ever hit the U.S. government. Some have argued that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew the FISA was bogus when he extended it. Others have wondered if Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew about the fraudulent basis of the FISA when he used it, in part, to indict Michael Flynn. Other still, that Mueller was fooled by the FBI.

This is what President Trump calls “SPYGATE”.

It may well be that the surveillance that was conducted began with UK intelligence services and then was fed back to the White House of Barack Obama. Here’s the kicker:

President Barack Obama did not need a FISA warrant to authorize spying/electronic surveillance on Trump because Obama all along had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process. According to 50 U.S. Code 1802, the “Electronic Surveillance Authorization” () “Foreign intelligence in relation to a US person (Trump or his associates) is information that’s necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, . . . as well as other clandestine activities by a foreign power . . . OR . . . information relevant to national defense/security of the US, or the conduct of foreign affairs of the U.S.” Such an authorization by Obama required certification by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that must be logged with the FISC court. (“The [AG]+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court [FISC] a copy of his certification.”)

In short, the DOJ has this. If we are correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal at least with the DOJ and the FISC.

This is what they are hiding.

However, the Act requires the AG to keep the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations and unmaskings therein. See 1803 (a) (1) (C) If indeed this is what happened, did Lynch report—or only selectively report—to the committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies? Can you see why Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and their ilk are terrified?

1) Obama authorized spying/electronic surveillance on Team Trump, by-passing normal judicial oversight.

2) To create “foreign intelligence,” John Brennan and others organized for UK intelligence to conduct surveillance on Trump and his associates, either from the UK or from UK assets within the U.S. This is another reason revealing this will unleash an excrement storm: the UK is about to be caught meddling bigly in an American election.

3) Lynch certified Obama’s authorization which is now held under seal by DOJ (and FISC).

From this authorization, all unmaking followed, as well as the FBI fraudulent counter intel investigation and perhaps the FISA warrant too. Obama knew this was all fake when he made the authorization; Lynch knew it was fake when she certified it; the entire inner circle, including the FBI, all knew. This takes the U.S. into uncharted territory, and could imperil any politician in the British government who supported this or had knowledge of it. Proving any of this would be difficult, as if confronted Lynch would almost certainly cover up and Obama would simply deny knowledge. Without a paper trail, a conviction might be a bridge too far. This is only one of thousands of "kill order" tactics introduced by the Obama Administration.

These are the playbook tactics that Senators and tech oligarchs most often use to destroy the lives of their political and business enemies:

Federal law enforcement, the United States Congress and the highest level investigators in the U.S., and abroad, have documented (per the “FISA Memo”, Congressional Reports and federal employee testimony) and proven the fact that the Obama Administration regularly engaged in the operation of retribution, vendetta and reprisal campaigns known as “hit-jobs” against domestic natural born U.S. citizen domestic taxpayers. The Federal Court, in at least one previous court case,has ruled that Applicants, in this particular matter, were the victims and target of a number of these attacks designed to inflict permanent medical, emotional, character assassination, brand negation, economic and career damage.

A typical Gawker-Gizmodo Media class of fake news manipulation groups is the attack service at "Integrity Initiative". The hacking collective known as "Anonymous" has published more explosive documents detailing a psyop to create a "large-scale information secret service"  which has been blamed for everything from Brexit to Trump winning the 2016 US election to this month's anti-Macron "Yellow Vest" protests.

A previously detailed first trove of documents which were dumped online November 5th to the site Cyberguerilla, revealed one of the private organizations with deep government ties, the "Integrity Initiative", to be engaged in an aggressive campaign to organize "clusters" of journalists across the West engaged in “counter-propaganda” efforts on social media networks and in media. And now a new trove of leaked Integrity Initiative documents has been dumped online.

"Combatting Russian Disinformation" - Screenshot from a bombshell newly leaked document published Friday and hosted on the Cyberguerilla site.

The Integrity Initiative and its founding parent organization, the Institute for Statecraft — which is known for its close relationship with the military and defense officials — is at the center of debate in the House of Commons over its anti-Corbyn and anti-Labour smears involving labeling party leader Jeremy Corbyn a “useful idiot” for Moscow, even while the company is a recipient of official Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) funding

The early November online leaks of confidential Integrity Initiative documents were the first to reveal the government's relationship to the private project devoted to news manipulation. According to The Guardian:

FCO funding of the Integrity Initiative was revealed by a set of stolen documents posted online last month by hackers under the banner of the Anonymous hacktivist collective. The organisation has not disputed their authenticity, but in a statement suggested that Russia was responsible for the hack and that Moscow had used its media channels to amplify its impact.

We noted previously that the work done by the Initiative  which claims it is not affiliated with government bodies, is done under "absolute secrecy via concealed contacts embedded throughout embassies," according to memos in the November leak. It does, however, admit to working with unnamed "government agencies." 

In the Commons earlier, I asked Alan Duncan why taxpayers money had been used by the so-called 'Integrity Initiative' to disseminate political attacks from its Twitter site (1/2). pic.twitter.com/zQNOPeQOMn

— Emily Thornberry (@EmilyThornberry) December 12, 2018

The document dump via "Anonymous" is the third such release, and already some bombshell information has come to light.

The geopolitical blog, Moon of Alabama, was the first to unearth and analyze one of the more interesting among the document trove:

A "strictly confidential" proposal by the French company Lexfo to spread the Integrity Initiative's state-sponsored propaganda through an offensive online influence campaigns for a monthly pay per language of €20-40.000. The proposal also includes an offer for "counter activism" through "negative PR, legal actions, ethical hack back, etc." for €50,000 per month.

The document is marked "Strictly confidential" and lays out a "comprehensive action proposal" which repeatedly invokes state funded media outlets as "enemy disinformation" to be defeated.

The proposal touts the ability of an Integrity Initiative partner  the French cybersecurity firm Lexfo — to create "indirect" and "untraceable" news content, just like Nick Denton's and Bustle's system does in America, including its ability to conduct "naming and shaming" campaigns targeting "allies" of "DNC disinformation".

Presumably "allies" means any person or entity that happens to align with the liberal viewpoint on any given issue. The shaming campaigns and counter-information operations will be conducted "across hundreds of credible media outlets".

Alarmingly, the document notes that:

 "where we lack platforms to publish our content... we will create news media sites serving our objectives..."

Again, both the contracting cybersecurity firm and the Integrity Initiative's role in literally creating media sites out of thin air for the purpose of "serving our objectives" will remain "untraceable". This is how the American Bustle-Podesta and Gawker-Gizmodo networks do it!

As part of the "infowar campaign" teams of media operatives across Europe and the U.S. will "monitor" and edit social media pages as well as Wikipedia entries, according to the leaked document.  

"Hot topics" which especially need to be monitored include the Stormy sex conflict and any situation wherein "pro-Western local politicians" could be swayed by "Russian-backed trolls"

The teams will engage in "special operations" which are listed as:

And which populations are to be targeted? The document specifically mentions seeking out a Russian audience alongside Western countries: "This plan should be implemented in every targeted country and language, including Russia."

These "influence operations" come at a price, according to the document. One figure which is floated is a monthly pay per language fee of €20-40.000, making it classic government subsidized mass propaganda (again, the company has been confirmed as receiving FCO funding).

Given that this looks like merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of similar such UK and US funded "combating disinformation" projects conducted in partnership with private entities out there, these initiatives have most likely already been active for years. The Adrian Covert's, Nick Denton's, John Podesta's, John Herrman's, Nick Cook's and David Brock's of the world, who stage and operate these media terror attacks, must be shut down, sued, arrested and interdicted on a permanent basis.

These are the people and tactics that were hired to destroy the lives of Monica Lewinsky, Brett Kavanaugh and others as part of a political revenge and discrediting program.

'They Can't Beat Him On The Law So They Are Trying To Destroy His Life' -Sen. Graham Questions Dems' Motives On Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations

Stunning new evidence shines light on an effort to shut down the advertising revenue of those that oligarchs do not like.





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